Quality is a key watch word in Alescon. We not only look at quality on the basis of the product but also on the service we provide.

 Our equipment are regularly calibrated and serviced to ensure that they function properly and accurately.

 Alescon purchases equipment that is best suited for use in our environment.

 Materials and products are checked at the source and this continues at each stage of the process until the final product is achieved. Materials purchased are monitored closely for quality, and re processed if necessary.

 All precautions are taken to ensure concrete delivery on a timely basis.

 Mix designs are tested and re-evaluated on a continuous basis to ensure that they meet and exceed the strength for which they were designed.

 Testing of raw materials and concrete are done according to ASTM and ACI standards.

 We have a fully equipped lab facility for in-house testing as well as independent testing at Cariri.

 Daily random samplings to ensure raw materials and concrete are meeting the approved specification.

 Staff operating in these areas is properly trained to undertake this responsibility and their skills are continuously evaluated and upgraded.